Wednesday 11 July 2012

pen·du·lum -ism

Pendulum: a body so suspended from a fixed point as to move to and fro by the action of gravity and acquired momentum.

-ism:  a distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice: This is the age of isms.

Okay, so that's a bit cryptic.  Let me explain.  I'm a person searching for Truth, but as much as it pains me to confess, I 'swing like a pendulum' in my ideas.  One day I'm a Sikh, tomorrow, I'm a humanist, the day after that I'm a misanthrope. One day I'm finding Truth in abundance in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji ('holy book' of the Sikhs), the next I'm combing the Bible for little morsels of spiritual goodness (the Bible is the holy book of the Christians, but I'm sure you already knew that).
This 'to-ing' and 'fro-ing' of ideology is frightfully annoying.  Blind faith would be a blessing.  But no, Tiny Plankton has to over-analyse everything and is rarely satisfied.

And I'm as moody as I am spiritually fickle.  It's all-or nothing, black or white, good or evil, man or woman, carnivore or herbivore, right or wrong, absolute or null, sinner or saint, soldier or pacifist, procrastination or proactivism (ok, I'll be honest, it's more procrastination!), inspiration or boredom.  I wonder if what I've got is in the DSM...?  *shrug*

So, this blog is a space for me to write my views at any given time, to try and document my pendulum-ism, to see if I come across any Truth, and to learn a bit more about myself.  Mastery of the self is the key, apparently.  And perhaps it just might be entertaining for someone out there who is also the victim of this information overload disorder: pendulum-ism (quick, get me the address for the American Psychiatric Association! haha).

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